My concept of leadership is not about handling public positions or being a public figure but leadership starts from leading one's self. Many a time people criticize the Ugly leadership of our society! Yes! everyone knows the dwindling nature of Africa's Leadership but what I always ask is what have we as individuals done in our little way to avert the incidence of the devastating nature of our Leadership.
We are not conscious of the little positions we hold in our respective churches, associations, School Unions. If we don't we run these little positions to display some certain level of integrity and good leadership, I wonder why we expect major office holders to do magic! As they say: "CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME" For you to be good leader, you must start showing the dividend of good leadership to the little people you are handling.
We are not conscious of the little positions we hold in our respective churches, associations, School Unions. If we don't we run these little positions to display some certain level of integrity and good leadership, I wonder why we expect major office holders to do magic! As they say: "CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME" For you to be good leader, you must start showing the dividend of good leadership to the little people you are handling.